अज़्मतों ने आज़मया समुंदर को ललकार कर।

बेगरज़ समुंदर ने कहा,

“ऐ बेखबर देख पैरों तले, ये रेत के ज़र्रे भी कभी चट्टान हुआ करते थें।”

शशांक कश्यप




अनंत है आलय मेरा ,
धारा मेरी, पाताल भी।
मैं घूमता हूँ हर कहीं,
मैं आत्म हूँ, मैं काल भी।

ये सब मेरा, इस सब का मैं
न कुछ मेरा, नहीं मैं कुछ।
संभावनाएँ हैं अनंतानंत
और नहीं सही।

मैं शून्य हूँ, सहस्र भी,
मैं अर्ध हूँ , मैं पूर्ण भी।
मैं आदि हूँ, मैं अन्त्य हूँ,
मैं दिव्य हूँ, अदिव्य भी।

मैं सूर्य हूँ, मैं चंद्र हूँ;
सब में हूँ,स्वयं में भी।
तुम हो मैं, हैं हम में सब,
यहाँ भी हैं, कहीं न भी।

मेरा नहीं निवास है,
परंतु मैं बेघर नहीं,
कि मुझमे ही बसा ये विश्व
देख लो मुझे अभी।

स्वीकार लो मुझे
मैं अंतरात्मा का सत्य हूँ।
मैं अग्नि हूँ जो नाश
कर सकेगा तेरा भय कभी।

खोज क्यों रहे हो तुम
ये मिथ्या की गुफाओं में?
झाँक लो इधर,
मैं सारी सृष्टि का सारांश हूँ।

हृदय के अंतराल में
छिपा हुआ हूँ, ए कश्यप्,
नकार दे तमस मैं तेरे
मन का ही प्रकाश हूँ।

-शशांक कश्यप्



She unveils her soul, bright as hope in a dark, deserted dream.
She turns more into water on a cursed, parched day.
A thousand blistering Suns bow down and concede,
for she humbles them all with her calm, gelid embrace.
A picture of pure perfection,
engulfing all within her welcoming presence.
Behold! You can but look on in disbelief,
For it is her blemishes that make her beautiful.

-Shashank Kashyap



As they fell from the skies,
Their wings failed.
They sang as they prepared to meet their destinies. Oh what blissful tunes they were.
But they sang not because they were brave.
They sang because angels never shout.
They know of nothing but joyful melodies and warm music.But there they were, plummeting into death’s cold embrace.
For they were but corpses with halos.

-Shashank Kashyap

© Moonprancer



As we glance down the cliffs,
Unsure of decisions.
What holds us back?
Why not plunge into the unknown?
Why not end it all, right here, right now?
At least the worst to come, won’t ever.
It’s because we’re unsure.
What if the best is still in store?
What if it’s setting us up ?
Just when we’re at our lowest,
It’s going to emerge from the ashes of
What shouldn’t have been.
Still unsure.
But why not gamble a little?
After all, we don’t have anything to lose.

-Shashank Kashyap.


Oscar’s Plan

Oscar Ricci had it all going for him. A beautiful beach condo, a successful export business, and a VIP country club membership (those are pretty expensive).
However, his heart cried for a family. Oscar’s promiscuous single mother had raised him like one would a house pet. She kept him glued to the TV till he was old enough for school and did the bare minimum to keep him alive . She regularly drugged him with opium to put him to sleep when she went out on her “grown-up school trips ” . It wasn’t late until little Oscar was taken from his curiously unaffected mother to a child rehabilitation centre for proper care, after a neighbour complained about the mistreatment the child received.
It was then that he swore to get out of the place as soon as he could and earn enough to pay his mother’s “school fees” (When he would later learn the truth about his mother, Oscar would not see another face for three whole weeks ).

When he turned eighteen, he set out on a job hunt, finally finding an open position at a trading company. The job was practically manual labour, but thanks to his intelligence and determination, Oscar rose to the position of business head. He then resigned from his position and set up his own company. But by the time he could settle, he was already forty six years old. Abandoning his desire for a family, Oscar withdrew from normal life. He made minimum contact with people. He hated them all, right from his peers to his house maid.

There was however, Vincent, Oscar’s most trusted keeper of secrets. He was almost like an adopted son to him. Having had similar childhoods, they bonded together like brothers.
Vincent’s mother Paula Alfonsi, was a popular theatre actress who married a much younger director and took his surname. Rumor had it that Paula had lost a child to poverty and starvation before she made it big. One could be sure that it was false considering how Vincent was raised. Either being punished mercilessly for Innocent mistakes or nearly being killed dude to parental neglect. There was no middle ground in his upbringing. Vincent loathed his parents just as much as Oscar, his mother.

Oscar had hired the fellow after he saw just how enthusiast he was about making a life for himself. He had a soft corner for such young people with pasts littered with heinous mistreatment.In just a couple years, Vincent and Oscar had grown extremely fond of each other. He reckoned that while he couldn’t have a family of his own, Vincent could. He was a smart, handsome young man . So he decided that if anyone should take over the business after him, it should be Vincent.
Tears rolled down Oscar’s cheeks as he lay in his hospital bed , drawing his final few breaths. He had a week more of his life. All of which, he wanted to spend with Vincent.
The sudden announcement of a news reporteron the TV broke the cold, sterile silence. “Actress Paula Alfonsi dead due to multiple organ failure at age 68”
Vincent burst into tears almost instantly as Oscar watched in disbelief. “Is that your mother?” Asked Oscar. Perplexed by this question Vincent replied, “I’ve told you about my mother before, Don Ricci .”
“I know. But was that woman really your mother?”
“Yes, she was my mother. ”
Oscar’s heart pumped like a train engine .
“Her name was Paula Ricci before she married your father. ”
It was after forty years that Oscar saw his mother.
Vincent took no more time to realise the truth.
He held Oscar close to himself and wept.

Next morning, Oscar was found dead on his bed. Beside him was a document. A well thought out will. A plan for a funeral, and a note saying, “bury me with her”.

Vincent obliged.

-Shashank Kashyap



I’m not the same as you. I’m what some people may call an artist, nay! A perfectionist. I take great care in putting together my art, my kitchen stands witness to this. Making new friends is my favorite thing, right after cooking and decorating my home. A new friend and a new addition to my collection of watches every month are my short term goals. Come to think of it, I’m not very different from you. I have a respectable degree, decent job, and a small house of my own. Settled well, am I not? I believe that joy lies in the details, and I make it clear when I cook. Most people considered me an odd child when I was little. I don’t blame them for it. After all, aren’t all great artists ahead of their times?

My greatest source of motivation was my high school principal. Let’s call him Mr.G. Mr.G was my mentor and best friend. He also helped me create my first ever work of art. He had a big heart . I enjoyed every single piece of it. All of the 700 odd calories were worth it. I made sure that I payed my respects in a proper manner and made a lampshade out of his face and skin. To this day, it reminds me of his kind words ,” Always look towards the bright side. ”

A fitting resting place for such a mangificent mentor, don’t you think?

I’m just like you. I enjoy great food and home decor.

Oh my, I’ve been talking only about myself . How rude of me. Say, why don’t you tell me more about yourself tonight when you come over for dinner. I’ve got a little surprise for you .

I have a good gut feeling about you. I think we’ll be great friends.

After all, we’re both so alike. Don’t you think?

-Shashank Kashyap


The wall

As I stand here with teary eyes,

I let go of all of what burdens me.

And here I am, protecting this little

fire from the mighty sea winds.

This fire that kept me warm in the

darkest, most frigid nights,

As if it were telling me to hold on.

I stand here on the sand,

Tattered conscience, amidst a sea of chaos,

Hoping this breath, will be my last one.

But I’m not that fortunate, you see?

This fire here, as much as I need it, it needs me.

So I swim through the disorder in my

head, kicking at whatever holds me


And before I know it, I’m standing

behind a wall, and in front of it lie

The most horrid pieces of my being.

I know that this fire won’t survive.

So I stand there, facing this stoic,

placid wall, waiting for the voices

beyond to die. Waiting, for that one

moment of sacred silence.

I wait.

-Shashank Kashyap



विकार ही विकार है, प्रपंच अंधकार है।

हो रहे ये चित्त पर अनंतानंत वार हैं।

मन के बाण की उड़ान के लिए पुकार है,

ये आत्मा की हार है,

ये आत्मा की हार है।


शिर पे खड्ग धार पे ये झूमरों सा झूलता,

स्वीकार की ज़मीन पर मैं स्वविरोधी धूल था।

मनगढ़ंत सत्य चित्त को कुमृतय दान दे,

कि सत्य ही ये क्रूर अंतरात्मा कि भूल था।


विकृति की ज़िन्दग़ी पे हो रहे प्रहार हैं,

ये आत्मा कि हार है,

ये आत्मा कि हार है।


तमन्ध के घने वनों में गुम हुआ प्रकाश है,

कि प्रेरणा कि मौत से श्रमी बड़ा निराश है।

हाथ काटके खड़ा ये बल यहीं हताश है,

कि अंकुरों के इन्तेेज़ार में रुका पलाश है।


कुरूपी स्वप्न राशियों कि घोर मारामार है,

ये आत्मा कि हार है,

ये आत्मा कि हार है।


चुनौतियों के मार्ग पर खड़ा है तू जो हारकर,

समय है रेत, ओ मनुज, विचार कर , विचार कर।

अंतराल में छिपे विकल्प को स्वीकार कर,

नई चुनौतियों के युग की ओर बढ़ चलो उधर ।


आत्मशक्ति का घड़ा ये भरके चल कश्यप् वरन,

ये आत्मा कि हार है,

ये आत्मा कि हार है।



-शशांक कश्यप्
